Look You Out

Scripture Reading - Acts 6:2-4 KJV

2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.
3 Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.
4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.

Today’s lesson continues our teaching on the subject of “Leadership”. Since we are still in the process of electing the chief public servant it is good to keep in mind a few principles found in the Word of God. First let us (ihlcc) publically announce that this ministry as a 501 c3 organization endorses no specific candidate running for the President’s office of the United States of America. We believe in the Great King the Lord Jesus and thus He is our source and ruler no matter whom the American people select for their leader. Our thoughts are not so concerned or careful about the next president as they are about the Body of Christ. What we mean is that we see much division in the Body of Christ because one states, “I am of Clinton”, another says, “I am of Pence”, while yet another says, “I am for Trump”, while yet others say, “I am for Kaine”. Is Christ Jesus divided? Does God force an elected official into office? Does any elected official rule over God? Of course the correct answer is, “No to all those questions”. Since that is the case why do so many Believers look to a man or woman to deliver them from their current distresses and frustrations. Oh, yes, we know why, it is partly because so many ministers are siding with a specific camp. As we just stated many full-time well known pastors and ministers claim a specific side for either Trump or Clinton. However, just because many religion leaders do this does not mean you need to partake of this personal strife also. When Jesus comes back will He find sufficient faith on earth to love one another? Since, we (ihlcc) have already declared our Holy Heavenly Father as our personal President (King) and Jesus Christ as our very own Vice-President these other positions are all secondary to us. Ihlcc will prophesy that the next President of the United States of America will be the one who is elected by the people but to say who is the better person should be left in God’s hands, not the public opinion of men. On that thought we cannot always tell what is in another person’s heart, so at best we can try to judge their outward fruit. When we are referring to fruit this reference is two-fold. First-fold is the fruit of the Holy Spirit which is the fruit of love. Yes, the specific fruit we are mentioning is found in Galatians 5:22,23 by the names of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance which have no policy written against them. The second-fold is the fruit of their words with corresponding actions. Yes, this fruit is measured by what they are saying and doing because if you only speak without corresponding actions one could accuse you of being a liar and lying is not of God but rather the devil. Yes, many politicians promise much but deliver so little and that is why today’s reference scripture tells of choosing honest men (and women) for leadership. Notice the scripture uses the term “of honest report” to highlight the fact that others should speak well of them as being honest people. Thus, the phrase full of the Holy Ghost is simply referring to the first-fold previously mentioned of consistently demonstrating the fruit of the spirit with wisdom. Wisdom in this context would mean to select a person who uses good judgment at the right time. Yes, God did and still does anoint certain people for public office when they are chief rulers over certain nations. The key is not how perfect they are because no man or woman is perfect outside of the cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus. We (ihlcc) wish the multitudes would stop trying to defend their candidate while defaming the other candidate because strife and division is of the evil one, it is not God’s Will. Most people speculate this or that, they firmly believe for one to win the other must lose and they often desire that they lose big, this attitude is ungodly and immature, let the church say Amen! We guess that some people think (believe) that one candidate is good while at the same time the opposing candidate is evil. However, it is not quite that black and white in the Kingdom of God because God is always looking for a win-win situation and God always sees good in people that is why Jesus shed His Precious Blood. Thus, God will work with the voting of men and women to influence the election as much as possible but where God shows His Wisdom is in the fact that He will not condemn either candidate simply because He Loves All. Oh, how we (ihlcc) wish God’s Children would truly act like God. We recommend looking at God’s Word to see the obvious love of God toward each person, first. Then if you like you can use these principles of honesty, displaying the fruit of the God’s spirit and wisdom to decide whom you shall vote for. Yes, we do firmly believe that your voting is personal decision between you and God, not between your pastor and you nor is this vote between any preacher and congregation. Yes, we have heard many people vote political party over the person but that could be problematic if the leader of that party is ungodly. Remember, even in the days of Jesus Christ the two leading religious (and political) parties of that day (Pharisees and Sadducees) both elected to go against God by condemning Jesus to death independently of their own written policies. You can’t legislate righteousness the scripture has already proven that to be a futile endeavor by trying to keep the law. An outward policy won’t clean up your insides, if you don’t do any evil act but your desire is still inclined to do it are you not still guilty before God? Yes, indeed you are. So policies are good when executed by godly people but let us be clear no policy is going to save your soul or bring justice when the men over the policy are evil/unrighteous. Our Kingdom with God is spiritual therefore keep your focus on the spiritual Kingdom of God by looking at His Love, His Wisdom and His Honesty displayed in men and women seeking leadership. Ask yourself and the Lord, who is a humble servant that can serve God openly and honestly between the candidates running for the office of Chief Servant (President). See what your heart speaks back and listen for what the Lord is speaking within your heart. Remember we are led by the Spirit of God because we are the children of God. Now we do believe through faith and prayer the right candidate will prevail in this election and whosoever that is will be no surprise to God. Some have asked us (ihlcc) do you know who is going to win the Presidency of 2016? The answer is yes, we do believe we know who will win but we are happy to not be concerned about the winner of the election because our thoughts and prayers are unto God no matter what. We put not our confidence (trust) in men because we have found that to be foolish and disappointing. We much rather Praise God, our Heavenly Father for being our Spiritual President (Divine Leader and Supreme Ruler of our heart) and we give thanks to His Holy Precious Son for being our Vice-President (who is always accessible 24/7 any time and any place). So be encourage dear faith friend, “Look You Out” because your redemption comes near and that redemption is not dependent upon the next president but rather the soon coming return of Jesus Christ, our Savoir and Lord and Spiritual Vice-President. Choose you this day whom you shall serve whether a political party, a political leader or Jesus Christ and our Father God, we do doubt that you can faithfully serve all three without some conflicts along the way. As for this house (ihlcc) we choose to serve the Lord and our Heavenly Father over the politics of this day. For we are ambassadors of Christ visiting this world for a time and season till death do us part or until the Great Day that the Lord calls us all home (all living Christians upon the earth that is). Yes, “look you out” for an honest president who operates in the fruit of God with wisdom so that all the people of the United States of America can be blessed. Amen!